[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Van Jones Claims Latest Poll a ‘Wake-Up Call for Democrats’

A set of battleground state polls showing former President Trump ahead of President Biden in five of six key states, according to CNN’s Van Jones, should serve as a “wake-up call” for Democrats.

According to a poll released by The New York Times on Monday, Trump holds a marginal advantage in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, but a substantial lead in Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia.

According to Jones, the outcomes are the consequence of younger voters abandoning Biden.

“It should be a wake-up call. Young people are upset. And it’s not just the situation in Gaza — the economic prospects for young people are miserable.” Jones said.

“We just do not have a pathway for young people to be able to pay off their student debt, get a house. I think that we’re not yet feeling, hearing a full-throated approach to the young people [from Biden]. There’s a symbolic piece around student loans. That’s not going to be enough for Joe Biden.” he added.

Additionally, the Biden campaign must intensify its efforts to secure the support of African Americans in pivotal locations such as Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia, according to Jones.

“You’ve got to get at the grassroots level in those core Black cities, and make sure that people are heard from by surrogates — heard from by the campaign and responded to. It’s going to be a pitched, on-the-ground battle in those Great Lakes states, in those Black cities. And that’s where you’ve got to go.” Jones continued.

The poll indicates that Trump leads by 13 points in Nevada, 9 points in Arizona, and 6 points in Georgia.

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