[Photo Credit: By The White House from Washington, DC - P012009PS-0477Uploaded by Ekabhishek, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16355523]

New Report Indicates Obama Backing Gay Behind Closed Doors in Wake of Harvard Scandal

In spite of her catastrophic testimony to Congress, former President Barack Obama exerted pressure on Harvard leadership and elites to retain university president Claudine Gay in her position.

On December 5, Gay appeared before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce as a witness, in the company of Liz Magill, the former president of the University of Pennsylvania, and Sally Kornbluth, the president of MIT.

Magill tendered her resignation as president of Penn University subsequent to her House Testimony.

Throughout the hearing, all three presidents declined to state that calls for Jewish genocide violate the anti-hate speech policies of their respective universities.

Each president maintained that the “context” in which such appeals are made determines their viability.

A revolt ensued among the most affluent patrons of Harvard, including Len Blavatnik, a billionaire whose family foundation has contributed a minimum of $270 million to the institution.

Fearing anti-Semitism on the campus of the prestigious institution, Blavatnik withdrew his financial backing from Harvard.

Gay, in defiance of the backlash, has maintained her position.

In conjunction with the controversy that surrounded her testimony on December 5, Gay has also become entangled in a plagiarism scandal subsequent to the discovery of numerous instances in her previous work that, according to other scholars, unequivocally constitute instances of plagiarism.

Harvard’s continued support for Gay may be partially attributable to Obama’s reportedly private lobbying efforts, in which he urged Harvard leadership to retain her in her position.

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