[Photo Credit: By IDF Spokesperson's Unit, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=134066256]

Israel Approves New Deal to Get Hostages Back From Hamas

On Wednesday morning local time, Israeli officials voted to approve a deal in which Israel would release from Israeli prisons a number of Palestinian women and juveniles convicted of crimes in exchange for the release of dozens of hostages kidnapped by Hamas.

Hamas agrees to the daily release of 12–13 detainees for four days in exchange for a cessation of hostilities.

Israel is projected to repatriate approximately three times that number to their respective homelands in Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem.

According to the report, Israel reportedly consented to the delivery of fuel and a “considerable quantity of humanitarian aid” to Gaza. Security and military agencies in Israel reportedly supported the agreement.

The precise implementation date of the ceasefire remains uncertain.

Israel believes Hamas can assist in locating 30 additional women and children who were taken hostage, according to the report.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly demanded that the conditions include the possibility of further hostages being released after the four-day pause, a commitment by Hamas to locate and find hostages held by other terror groups within Gaza, and a refusal to release Palestinians convicted of murder from Israeli prisons.

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