[Photo Credit: By Kane Farabaugh, Voice of America News - Rashida Tlaib Set to Become 1st Muslim Woman in US Congress, video "Muslim Woman Could Make History in US Congress" at 0:56, cropped, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=75716181]

GOP Controlled House of Representatives Votes Against Censuring Rashida Tlaib for Anti-Israel Remarks

The U.S. House on Wednesday introduced a resolution denouncing Democratic member of the Squad, Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, for her “anti-Semitic beliefs.”

Nearly two dozen Republicans voted against the resolution together with Democrats.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a Republican, proposed the resolution.

“I just introduced my resolution to censure Rashida Tlaib as privileged to force a House vote in two legislative days. Tlaib led a pro-Hamas insurrection into the Capitol complex, has repeatedly displayed her anti-Semitic beliefs, and shown her hatred for Israel. She must be held accountable and censured.” Greene wrote in a tweet.

22 Republicans joined Democrats in voting in favor of a resolution to table the bill, which prevented the House from voting on it in the end. Thirteen Republican voters also voted to abstain.

There was a 222-186 vote against the measure.

Without naming them, Greene also attacked Republicans she believed would vote against the resolution.

Tlaib and the other Squad members voted against a motion in the House supporting Israel in the face of  murderous acts of Hamas.

She has also persisted in reiterating the false assertion made by Hamas that Israel was behind the attack of a Gaza hospital.

[READ MORE: Biden White House Vows To Veto Billions In Aide To Israel]

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