[Photo Credit: By Kozak4512 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=81396431]

NYC Now Offering Migrants Free One Way Tickets to Leave City

In an increasingly desperate attempt to dissuade a wave of new migrants from settling in the city, New York City is now providing one-way plane tickets for anybody who choose to leave.

After being expelled from public shelters, the city has started sending refugees to a “reticketing” facility in Manhattan that deals with purchasing airline tickets for any destination in the globe.

A few refugees have opted to travel by plane to places like Morocco or Colombia.

Mayor Eric Adams has issued several warnings in recent weeks about the city running out of space.

Tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants have poured into New York City over the past year, and the city is trying to process them.

With almost 130,000 new arrivals since last year, many of whom are still being sheltered on public funds, New York City’s homeless shelters are at capacity and new facilities must be opened.

There are now 600 migrants arriving in New York every day, an even greater increase in arrivals.

The city even went so far as to send posters to migrants at the southern border over the summer, telling them that there is “no guarantee” of refuge if they came to New York and advising them to choose a different location.

[READ MORE: New Poll Shows Majority Of Residents Now Think Migrants Will ‘Destroy’ New York City]

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