[Photo Credit: By US Department of Labor - L-22-09-09-A-056, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=126317251]

Liberal Legislators in New York Send Bill to Create Reparations Commission to Kathy Hochul’s Desk

To address the detrimental consequences of slavery on black inhabitants, the New York Assembly has reportedly recommended the state to create a reparations committee.

Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) will need to sign off on the recommendation.

On Thursday, the state Senate and Assembly both approved the law.

If adopted, New York will imitate California’s reparations task committee, which was established in that state in 2020.

The task force creation recommendation is not as thorough as California’s.

Before looking at economic, educational, and political inequities among black inhabitants of the Empire State, the New York panel would first look at how much the state and federal governments supported slavery as a practice.

The proposal would empower the Senate legislative leader and Assembly speaker, Hochul, to name three individuals each to the commission.

Democrats are now in charge of every post.

Carl Heastie, speaker of the New York Assembly, referred to the act as “historic.” The speakership has never been held by a black person until Heastie.

Republicans who oppose the law, though, claim that the state is instead revisiting its history rather than moving to the future.

A further distinction between California’s and New York’s reparations projects is that the former established a significant price tag, whilst the latter is only starting the procedure to see whether a panel would provide recommendations and a budget would be established later on.

The measure states that whatever suggestions a future commission provides to the legislature will not have any legal effect.

The California Reparations Commission is recommending a $800 billion spending plan to compensate Black Californians.

The present idea is predicated on a number of purported wrongs that the state of California is said to have done to slave descendants.

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