[Photo Credit: By The White House from Washington, DC - The National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's Schools, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=92036643]

Kellyanne Conway Demands Trump Engage in ‘Fewer Insults’ if He Wants to Win

Kellyanne Conway, a former Trump adviser, reportedly advised the GOP presidential nominee in an interview Monday to avoid insulting his political opponents and instead focus on policy disagreements if he wants to get his campaign back on track.

“The winning formula for President Trump is very plain to see. It’s fewer insults, more insights and that policy contrast.” Conway said.

Trump has hurled barbs at Vice President Harris as she has ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket.

“He’s got that hunger, swagger, underdog, underestimated of 2016 back, Larry, and you overlay that with the four-year presidential record where we did have growth — we did have wage growth, we had low unemployment and the whole nine that you and I know,” she continued.

The former president has also come under fire for challenging Harris’ racial identity during a heated discussion at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago late last month.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a Trump friend, has urged him against continuing such attacks.

Harris has gained momentum in the first few weeks of her campaign, receiving major endorsements from party officials, generating large sums of money, and becoming the Democratic nominee in a short amount of time.

Her rise came after President Biden decided to withdraw from the campaign late last month, following weeks of pressure from his Democratic colleagues to do so.

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