[Photo Credit: By Joe Mabel, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=136343909]

MSNBC Contributor Slams Trump Supporters, Claims ‘They are Just as Despicable as He is’

During a new segment on the far-Left network this week, MSNBC contributor Elie Mystal disparaged supporters of former President Donald Trump, asserting that they were as “despicable” as Trump himself.

On Tuesday evening, Mystal made the comments during a segment on Joy Reid’s program. Reid had previously stated that “everything [Trump] does is despicable,” yet he continues to receive support regardless.

“The reason why it doesn’t end his career is because his supporters are just as despicable, all right? Like Trump’s whole thing, he’s a narcissist, right? And so his whole thing is to have a complete lack of compassion and empathy for everybody else. It’s all about him.” Mystal said.

“It’s all about him, him, him, me, me, me. He’s probably the least compassionate president we’ve had in 200 years since Andrew Jackson. And it works for him because his supporters are just as ungenerous, and have just as little compassion and empathy for others.” he continued.

“So when he is seen out there, essentially, as you guys have put it, desecrating our national symbols, when he is seen out there, putting himself above all else, his supporters also want that to be the case. They want to do that in their own lives. That’s how they think of themselves, and that’s why it never hurts Trump when he takes these crass and classless actions, it’s because his supporters think that being crass and classless is actually kind of cool.” Mystal concluded.

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