[Photo Credit: By The White House - https://www.flickr.com/photos/191819781@N02/53892493572/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=151032065]

New Poll Shows Trump Leading Harris By Slim Margin in Texas

According to a new poll released on Thursday, former President Trump maintains a minor advantage over Vice President Harris in Texas.

According to the survey conducted by the University of Houston and Texas Southern University, Trump has the support of 49.5% of prospective voters in Texas, a lead of less than 5 points over Harris’s 44.6%.

The poll indicated that the Green Party’s Jill Stein had 0.7 percent of likely voters, while Libertarian Chase Oliver had 0.5 percent.

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had 2 percent of likely voters. Approximately 2.7% of the electorate was uncertain.

The most recent data for the Lone Star State indicated a modest increase in support for Trump, who garnered 48.9 percent in June.

However, Harris’s support increased by 4.3 percentage points from the level at which President Biden was polling in June, when he was the Democratic presidential candidate.

At that time, the incumbent had 40.3 percent support, according to pollsters.

Kennedy’s tally was 2.7 percentage points lower than it was in June.

The survey was undertaken in English and Spanish by the University of Houston and Texas Southern University from August 5-16. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.65 percentage points.

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