[Photo Credit: By Lauren Gerson - https://www.flickr.com/photos/lbjlibrarynow/16034426473/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49757617]

Former Obama Advisor David Axelrod Claims Trump Would Win if Election Was held Today

On Sunday, Democratic strategist David Axelrod cautioned the Democratic party against becoming overly optimistic about Vice President Harris’s minor national advantage over former President Trump.

He suggested that the Republican candidate “may well” emerge victorious if the election were to be conducted today.

This summer, Axelrod was a prominent figure in the Democratic Party, advocating for President Biden’s withdrawal from the campaign.

He also stated that the Democratic Party is in a stronger position for November with Harris as its presumed nominee.

“Look, she [Harris] has made extraordinary progress. We were all in Milwaukee [for the Republican National Convention] a month ago and, you know, there was euphoria there and a sense that this race was over, that they were going to win by a landslide, perhaps sweeping big majorities in the House and Senate,” he said.

Nevertheless, Axelrod opined that it is premature to declare Harris the winner of the campaign, as she is currently slightly ahead of the former president in certain national polls.

“But this is still a very competitive race. If the election were today, I’m not sure who would win and I think it may well be President Trump, because it’s an Electoral College fight,” Axelrod stated.

“I’ve said several times here that, you know, for [a] Democrat to win those battleground states, they have to have a significant lead in the Electoral College. Remember, Joe Biden won by 7 million votes nationally last time, and a margin of 45,000 votes or 44,000 votes in the three closest battleground states combined.” he concluded.

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