[Photo Credit: By JD Lasica from Pleasanton, CA, US - James Carville, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=89224835]

Carville Claims Biden Loss Will Mean End of Constitution

James Carville has successfully led several campaigns from significant deficits in the polls. However, the renowned Democratic strategist now believes that President Joe Biden’s campaign is completely doomed and the result will be the destruction of the constitution.

Carville released a column on Monday in which he declared categorically that Biden will withdraw and laid out an ambitious strategy for going forward: holding town hall meetings in each of the four regions of the nation to choose a new Democratic contender.

He discussed more of what he thought on the matter in a new interview.

“Lawlessness on a scale that we can’t comprehend. They’re already coming out saying they’re going to do it. Christian nationalism is going to take hold in the courts. If Trump wins, he will turn over everything to them. It’s the most insidious, dangerous, anti-American thing that I could possibly think of. But it sounds quite fine, you’re a Christian, you’re a nationalist, what’s that? Everything.” Carville stated when asked what he believed a new Trump presidency would look like.

“I think that you are going to see a destroyed NATO. We’re going to be expressing the values of authoritarianism and totalitarianism. We’re going to continue down the path of lawlessness. I don’t know, what else can I say? They’re already telling it, this whole thing about Project 25, it’s almost predictable. It would be so tragic and so against who we are as a country that you almost want to laugh at it. But the catastrophe that awaits, and I literally think this, I think it’d be the end of the Constitution. I really do.” he continued.

Carville also discussed the Democratic donor revolt, how the present Democratic crisis is being covered by the media, potential Biden successors, and the prospects for a second Trump term.

[READ MORE: SE Cupp Claims It’s ‘Political Malpractice’ For Biden To Stay In The Race]

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